WE HELP THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN TO GET THEIR EDUCATION Following the MDG meeting of the year 2000, there has been phenomenal progress in achieving the target of universal primary education. The total enrollment rate in developing countries reached 91% in 2015, and the global number of children out of school has dropped by about 50%. There has also been a dramatic increase in literacy rates, and many more girls are in school than ever before. These are all remarkable successes. However, this progress has continued to face immense challenges in developing regions due to high levels of poverty, armed conflicts and other emergencies. For this reason, PACEmaker International is committed to improving the quality of education in under-served schools by leveraging the power of volunteering.
Founded in 2013, PACEmaker International (PACE) is a Kenya registered Non-
Governmental Organization (NGO) that works to create equitable learning
opportunities for students in rural and slum areas of Africa. PACE is an
acronym for Promoting Access to Community Education.
Our programmes are designed to break the barriers to quality education that
disproportionately affect learners in slums, informal settlements, and rural
We work to simultaneously address two challenges that face our
Lack of a meaningful social structure to engage local youth and The inequity in Africa’s education system.
PACE envisions an Africa where access to high-quality education is the norm
for all children and where youth are empowered and engaged to lead change
in their local communities.
We Train. We Engage. We Upskill
Pupil Qualified Teacher Ratio 68: 1. The results mean the intervention (recruitment of teachers) which are currently in place are vital for improving pupil teacher ratio considering the target set in NESP of 60: 1 Transition Rate (Primary to Secondary School) the primary completion rate has been hovering between 51 and 53 percent between 2017 and 2020. MALAWI 2020 EDUCATION STATISTICS In Malawi, a nation of nearly 20 million in southeast Africa, more than 80,000 students graduate from secondary schools each year with no access to higher education.
Malawi’s population is largely youthful with 80% of its population aged below 35 years and with a median age of 17. The youthful population is acknowledged as being one of Malawi’s strongest assets, and the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS) II 2011-2016 lists youth development and empowerment as one of its nine priorities, identifying young people as a key group; energetic, industrious, willing to learn and ready to adopt new innovations to contribute to sustainable development.
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